OS4X Release 2025-02-18 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated.
Current changes are:
- OS4X Core:
- ↑ Improved: The „instant continuity“ functionality has been improved so that only active entries with at least one unsuccessful send attempt are informed (this reduces the number of network aborts caused by the process signal SIGALRM).
- ⊗ Removed: AS4 removed as a possible transfer protocol.
- OS4X Enterprise:
- ↑ Fixed: Job invitations no longer produce errors in individual PHP installations.
- Administrative web interface:
- ⊕ New: OS4X OFTP2 SmartProxies can now be given a „default“ character and are directly available as a default selected value for new partner setups (if multiple proxies are available).
As the latest version of OS4X available, we recommend to update to this version as fast as possible.