Release 2022-03-17

OS4X 3 Release 2022-03-17 can be downloaded online from the website, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated.

Due to a bug in the last release 20220307, ​​an automatic update via poll to the update server is no longer possible, in 18 years of OS4X there has never been such a thing (sad premiere). Therefore, you must issue the following command to install the update manually if you are affected:

wget --no-check-certificate$(if \
uname -m | grep -cq x86_64; then echo "-64"; fi).sh.signed -O && \
/opt/os4x/bin/os4xupdate -f

If you need support with the update, we are available to you free of charge, please send us an email to

Current changes are:

  • OS4X Core:
    • ↑ Fixed: Automatic software update process from poll from update server works again.
    • ↑ Optimized: The software update post event is now logged in the event logs. In addition, its return code is processed and returned by the update process.
    • ↑ Optimized: The Event failure event is now logged.
    • ↑ Optimized: Upgrade of openSSL to 1.1.1n due to CVE-2022-0778.
  • OS4X OFTP2 SmartProxy:
    • ↑ Optimized: Upgrade of openSSL to 1.1.1n due to CVE-2022-0778.
  • OS4X Enterprise:
  • OS4X Webaccess:
    • ⊕ New: Job sharing and job invitations can now also be sent „on behalf“ of a project in which the logged-in user is a member.

As the latest version of OS4X available, we recommend to update to this version as fast as possible.