Release 2020-06-08

OS4X 3 Release 2020-06-08 can be downloaded online from the website, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are:

  • OS4X Enterprise:
    • Bugfix, where a white shadow is displayed right after login into OS4X Webaccess (a refresh of the site helped; this is not needed).
    • Enhancement of loading time for OS4X Enterprise jobs with many files.
  • OS4X Core:
    • Bugfix, where in special circumstances multiple directory scanner could run in parallel.
  • OS4X OFTP2 SmartProxy:
    • Removed unneeded Diffie-Hellman parameters for 128, 256 and 512 bits.

As the latest version of OS4X available, we recommend to update to this version as fast as possible.