OS4X 3 Release 2020-07-13 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Enterprise: Text Templates: the new centralized text templates, used for mailing, approving etc.! Use our pre-defined templates or create your own ones with the easy to use web editor (incl. […]
Release 2020-07-06
OS4X 3 Release 2020-07-06 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Enterprise: Filemove plugin: corrected output of target path in one specific error case. Bugfixes in OS4X Webaccess: After successful login, the login panel may appear without any interaction possibility in […]
Release 2020-06-23
OS4X 3 Release 2020-06-23 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Enterprise: New template variable „JOBCOMMENT_HTML“ for job comment in HTML format. Filemove plugin: Enhancement in recognition of size differences and problems with restarts of job; also bugfix when having an […]
Release 2020-06-08
OS4X 3 Release 2020-06-08 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Enterprise: Bugfix, where a white shadow is displayed right after login into OS4X Webaccess (a refresh of the site helped; this is not needed). Enhancement of loading time for OS4X […]
Release 2020-05-26
OS4X 3 Release 2020-05-26 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: Administrative web interface: When cancelling an OS4X Enterprise job, a confirmation prompt appears. Added logout functionality if the web interface is secured via a HTTP protection. Deleting of system log is […]