Release 2024-01-24

OS4X 3 Release 2024-01-24 can be downloaded online from the website, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Docker: ⊕ New: A detection as to whether OS4X is running in a Docker container has been implemented (also recognizable by the product logo at the bottom left of the […]

Release 2024-01-19

OS4X 3 Release 2024-01-19 can be downloaded online from the website, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Core: ↑ Fixed: Fixed a bug with outbound connections of type „Plain TCP/IP“ that prevented communication. The resolved host resolution information is now used correctly again for the socket connection. […]

Release 2024-01-08

OS4X 3 Release 2024-01-08 can be downloaded online from the website, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Core: ⊕ New: Serialization of OFTP2 input files implemented (drastically reduces server load with massive amounts of parallel data inputs!). ↑ Optimized: TLS functionality ensured with “Panorama” gateways from Palo […]

Release 2023-11-30

OS4X 3 Release 2023-11-30 can be downloaded online from the website, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X administrative web interface: ↑ Updated: The OFTP2 migration of Daimler Truck AG on December 4th, 2023 now contains a limited list of affected address codes (instead of radically changing all […]

Release 2023-11-23

OS4X 3 Release 2023-11-23 can be downloaded online from the website, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X administrative web interface: ⊕ New: The OFTP2 migration from Daimler Truck AG on December 4th, 2023 will be implemented via admin interface click (no manual effort required anymore). Including certificate […]

Release 2023-10-11

OS4X 3 Release 2023-10-11 can be downloaded online from the website, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: All components: ↑ Improved: Upgrade of all libraries used to the latest version, especially CURL 8.4.0, openSSL 3.1.3 and MySQL 8.1.0. OS4X administrative web interface: ↑ Improved: Sendqueue now contains  file […]

Release 2023-07-19 (Edition „Luna“)

OS4X 3 Release 2023-07-19 can be downloaded online from the website, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X adminstrative webinterface: ↑ Optimized: Extended dry run output from directory scanners. ↑ Optimized: Changed all links to online documentation to https instead of http. ↑ Optimized: When interacting with daemons, […]

Release 2023-06-13

OS4X 3 Release 2023-06-13 can be downloaded online from the website, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X adminstrative webinterface: ⊕ New: Automatic separation of Mercedes Benz AG and Daimler Truck AG at the push of a button (please only do this after June 16, 2023) in the […]

Release 2023-05-09

OS4X 3 Release 2023-05-09 can be downloaded online from the website, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X adminstrative webinterface: ↑ Optimized: Causes of Internet connection errors during interactive license updates are now better displayed. ↑ Optimized: Spaces in SFIDs are now displayed in the correct number in […]