OS4X Release 2025-01-20 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated.
Current changes are:
- OS4X Core:
- ↑ Fixed: If the „Serialize incoming files“ option is set for OFTP2, the partner-specific setting of EERP suppression takes effect.
- OS4X Enterprise:
- ⊕ New: A new configuration to define the default validity time has been added to OS4X Job Sharing.
- ↑ Optimized: The enqueue plugin now has a new debug configuration switch for more output.
- Administrative web interface:
- ↑ Optimized: In the „Welcome“ tab, in addition to the used storage space, the free storage space is also displayed.
As the latest version of OS4X available, we recommend to update to this version as fast as possible.