Release 2024-09-10

OS4X 3 Release 2024-09-10 can be downloaded online from the website, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated.

Current changes are:

  • OS4X Core:
    • ↑ Optimized: The OFTP2 certificate configuration has been massively simplified by eliminating the reference to OFTP2 ciphers. This massively reduces the scope of manageable certificates; the simplification comes from a simplification of the OFTP2 test rally for certified OFTP2 systems.
  • OS4X Enterprise:
    • ↑ Optimized: If no target port is configured in the „SCP Upload“ plugin, the standard port 22 is used.
  • Administrative web interface:
    • ↑ Optimized: Elimination of the country entry „Yugoslavia“, but „Serbia“ & „Montenegro“ were added.
    • ↑ Optimized: The linking of Directory Scanner logs to OS4X Enterprise jobs is now clear; if a tab for this job is already open, it is switched to it, otherwise a new tab that is unique to the job is opened.
    • ↑ Optimized: Updated to the latest framework version ExtJS 7.8.
    • ↑ Optimized: Corrected display of certificate chains in the case of several identical subjects in the trusted certificates.
    • ⊕ New: Memory usage of API requests are logged in the API logs as INFO after a request is completed.
  • OS4X AS2:
    • ↑ Optimized: Optimized compatibility with signed and simultaneously encrypted data transmission.

As the latest version of OS4X available, we recommend to update to this version as fast as possible.