OS4X 3 Release 2023-10-11 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated.
Current changes are:
- All components:
- ↑ Improved: Upgrade of all libraries used to the latest version, especially CURL 8.4.0, openSSL 3.1.3 and MySQL 8.1.0.
- OS4X administrative web interface:
- ↑ Improved: Sendqueue now contains file and job ID as information of a sendqueue entry.
- OS4X Core:
- ↑ Improved: If a received file is not available (e.g. on a file server), the CMS decoding waits another 10 seconds to see whether the file is still available.
- ↑ Improved: Support for the recursive directory scanner for MariaDB from version 10.11 and up.
- ↑ Improved: Expansion of Censys scanner detection and elimination of log entries.
- OS4X AS2:
- ⊕ New: The process ID of the receiving process can be configurably appended to the file name.
- ⊕ New: Qualys scans are no longer logged as bad connections (where detection is possible).
- ↑ Improved: Compatibility improvement in handling the HTTP header „Content-Type“.
- OS4X OFTP2 SmartProxy:
- ↑ Improved: Elimination of dependency on PHP PEAR.
- OS4X Webaccess:
- ↑ Improved: The size of the additional text of a new send job can be modified.
- OS4X Enterprise:
- ⊕ New: New Plugin: „cancel job“.
- ↑ Corrected: Double escaping of plugin logs resolved.
- ↑ Improved: Manual cancellations in plugins are clearly logged in the plugin logs as user intervention.
- ↑ Improved: Plugin „filemove“ detects the original job directory and refuses to move the file there again.
- All components:
As the latest version of OS4X available, we recommend to update to this version as fast as possible.