OS4X Release 2025-03-10 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Core: ↑ Improved: The archiving script now also supports database passwords with special characters. OS4X AS2: ↑ Improved: Incorrect connection attempts to the AS2 web server can now also be deactivated […]
Release 2025-02-18
OS4X Release 2025-02-18 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Core: ↑ Improved: The „instant continuity“ functionality has been improved so that only active entries with at least one unsuccessful send attempt are informed (this reduces the number of network aborts […]
Release 2025-01-27
OS4X Release 2025-01-27 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Core: ⊕ New: New parameter in the events „start send“, „end send“, „xERP“, „blocked“, „Send queue entry send try increase“ and „Send queue cleanup“: orig. File name before an OFTP2 operation […]
Release 2025-01-20
OS4X Release 2025-01-20 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Core: ↑ Fixed: If the „Serialize incoming files“ option is set for OFTP2, the partner-specific setting of EERP suppression takes effect. OS4X Enterprise: ⊕ New: A new configuration to define the […]
Release 2025-01-07
OS4X Release 2025-01-07 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Core: ⊕ New: An automatic process deletes all CRL URL entries that are no longer needed on a daily basis. This minimizes the process overhead of TLS connections as well as […]
Release 2024-11-27
OS4X 3 Release 2024-11-27 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Enterprise: ⊕ New: Added antivirus scanner plugin for ClamAV. ↑ Optimized: When using local processes, OS4X Webaccess saves directories that the user has selected manually, including automatic cleanup if they […]
Release 2024-11-18
OS4X 3 Release 2024-11-18 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Enterprise: ↑ Fixed: If the „own labels“ are activated and one of them is optional (i.e. „not mandatory“), a missing entry in a new send job may prevent it from […]
Release 2024-11-14
OS4X 3 Release 2024-11-14 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Core: ↓ Removed: After more than 20 years of existence, the ISDN code, which has been obsolete since 2020, has been removed. At the same time, support for the DB2 […]
Release 2024-10-24
OS4X 3 Release 2024-10-24 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Core: ↑ Fixed: All time information from certificates is displayed in the web GUI based on the local time zone of the web browser instead of GMT (including summer/winter time […]
Release 2024-10-01
OS4X 3 Release 2024-10-01 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated. Current changes are: OS4X Core: ⊕ New: The enqueueing of files can now also be done in a performance-friendly manner using the partner’s numeric primary key value. ↑ Optimized: All time information from certificates […]